The block maintains the value of the next valid identifier, and will provide the next PoId with the next() method. 该块保留了下一个有效标识的值,并且会向下一个PoId提供next()方法。
Each message that requires reliable delivery assurance includes a Sequence header block. 需要可靠传输保证的每个消息都包含一个序列头部区域。序列头部区域包含一个唯一的序列Identifier。
The paper introduces PASCAL-AG environment attribute concept that is derived from identifier scope concept of compilers, furthermore, the environment attributes of block in PASCAL-AG is discussed. 该文从编译程序的标识符作用域概念引出Pascal-AG的环境属性概念。进而简要、直观地讨论了Pascal-AGblock环境属性。
During the data update, it calculates the access popularity of each block group with the hot data identifier. Thus, the block group in the system is divided into cold, warm and hot types. 在进行数据更新时,使用热数据识别算法计算每个块组的访问热度,从而将系统内的块组按热权值分为冷、温、热三类。